Ear Nose Throat Conditions
In one’s lifetime, there is a possibility of dealing with symptoms that affects the ears, nose, and throat. In this happening, some people may exhibit symptoms that are obvious and others may not. Therefore, it becomes difficult for one to know what is happening with one’s ear, nose, and throat health hence calling the need to know the common ENT problems.
a. Ear infections
This is the most common ear disorder condition and it can be easily diagnosed and treated by ENT doctors. The condition is more common among the children however it does not mean that adults cannot develop the condition. Some people produce more ear wax than others and the earwax accumulation leads to the canal’s clogging. Sometimes, such excessive earwax accumulation can cause ear pain, result in ear infections, and other problems. You should seek medical advice rather than trying to remove the earwax yourselves.
An ear doctor will examine the ear to check if you have a buildup of earwax. If the earwax blockage is causing you pain or hearing loss then he or she is most likely to remove the earwax using ear irrigation or micro-suction. Singapore earwax removal is common among seniors.
Ear infection has some classic symptoms which include discharge, ear pain, reduced hearing, and an inflamed red ear. Upon experiencing ear pains, it is advisable to visit the best ENT clinic Singapore since failure to do so may lead to the infection may lead to critical long-term complications.
b. Sinusitis
It is also a common ENT condition that usually is brought about by germs in the hollow recesses of the skull which the eyes and nose. The main symptoms for this condition include nose pains, nasal discharge, headache, fever, fatigue and inflammation. According to top ENT specialist in Singapore, acute sinusitis is also referred to as a secondary common cold hence common during cold seasons.
Acute sinusitis often lasts for a day or two and usually can go away untreated. Chronic sinusitis, on the other hand, can be an inflammatory disorder which emanates from untreated allergies or even asthma. The condition can last even 12 weeks if left untreated. In case of the symptoms, one should consult a sinus treatment specialist to perform an endoscopy to see whether the nasal passage has a blockage. In serious cases, surgery may be necessary.
c. Strep Throat
It is a common ENT condition that occurs when the throat becomes infected by streptococci germ. In case one encounters symptoms such as red, sore throat, difficulty in swallowing, enlarged tonsils, fever, body aches, fatigue, skin rash and enlarged lymph nodes one should seek an actual strep test at the nearest doctor. The condition is treatable by a prescription of antibiotics whose main aim is to kill the cause of bacteria.
d. Sleep Apnea
It is the most serious ENT condition which makes someone stop breathing while sleeping. If you suspect that you may be suffering from sleep apnea, it is recommended to visit a sleep clinic in Singapore for a sleep apnea study. Patients who are suffering from sleep apnea, they will become extremely exhausted when first waking up making them struggle very much throughout the day. Among the most common symptoms of the condition includes waking up several times at night, mood swings, depressions, feeling tired upon waking up, drowsiness during the day, headaches during the morning, and waking up with a sore throat or dry throat.
Treatment usually includes a change of lifestyles such as loss of weight and more importantly use of breathing assistance devices at night. For more severe sleep apnea patients, surgery may be necessary.

Sleep Disorders
Sleep disorders are conditions that prevent a person from having a restful sleep and leads to dysfunction and sleepiness during the day. The conditions include:
a. Insomnia
It is simply difficulties in falling asleep or even staying asleep. The condition is characterized by symptoms such as difficulty falling asleep, waking up too early in the morning, often waking up during the night and experiencing trouble sleeping again, Unrefreshing sleep, experiencing daytime problems such as sleepiness, fatigue, loss of concentration, and others.
Insomnia is categorized on how long it lasts and the frequency of occurrence. About 50 percent of grown-ups experience Insomnia and also 1 out of 10 are infected with chronic insomnia. Insomnia can either be self-occurring or can be associated with psychiatric and medical conditions. The condition can be improved by the use of sleeping pills, improvement of sleep habits, behavior therapy, and treating the underlying causes of the condition.
b. Restless legs syndrome
The condition causes an irresistible urge to move one’s legs when sleeping, resting, sitting, or even long periods of driving. More symptoms include sleepless nights, irritability, and concentration. However, the condition can be minimized by simply moving around, self-care steps, and change of lifestyle. In case the symptoms persist, one should seek medical help.

c. Narcolepsy
This is a neurological disorder of sleep regulation affecting the control of sleep and also wakefulness. The symptoms of the conditions include uncontrollable episodes of falling asleep during the day. Also, patients may experience muscle weakness accompanied by emotions such as laughter. The condition usually starts between the age of 15 – 25. The condition can be eased by the use of prescribed stimulants, antidepressants plus any other medication which may be prescribed by a doctor.
Among all the ENT clinics in Singapore that provide excellent diagnosis and treatment for sleep disorders, Ear Nose Throat Head & Neck Surgery clinic in Mount Elizabeth is one of the best.